Listen to your dreams

A while ago I had a dream that George Clooney flew in from LA to meet me for drinks in my home city.  “Oh yeah” I hear you thinking, but it was nothing like that.  It was very vivid and very colourful and I wondered what on earth it meant.  Once in a while I have these vivid dreams that are obviously trying to tell me something but dreams being dreams, they rarely spell it out.  I know the drill – figure out the similes and the metaphors and you’ll work it out, but I never dream with archetypal symbols, I guess because I don’t think archetypal thoughts.  If my conscious mind thinks obscure things, imagine what my subconscious can come up with!

I’m having a really bad day today.  In many ways my world fell apart a little bit more but in other ways I know what I have to do.  While my mind was coming up with answers which can only have been on a subconscious level, I figured out the George Clooney dream too.  No, it’s still nothing like that.

Gorgeous George represents the optimum waking dream of success with the novel.  You know, that Shangri-La of writing something that’s an overnight sensation, the movie rights of which are snapped up and you never have to worry again?  That optimum waking dream.  He represents it; he doesn’t mean it’s going to happen.

Now, in the dream, I went to the bar and bought two double shots of single malt, single malt being my favourite. What’s my favourite thing to do? You guessed it – write. To get back to the table though, I had to walk (!) for miles along a long, crowded balcony and I knew I was running out of time for the meeting.  I should probably mention that the balcony wall was painted deep red and red in my dreams usually means the right way although it won’t be easy.  I did eventually get back and was greeted with a hug by Mr Clooney.

So, what does it all mean?   The dream means it’s going to be a longer, harder struggle to get the novel out than really it should be but I will get there and my goal will greet me with open arms. The message, really, is to keep going along that balcony even if I can’t even see my goal for a time. It will reappear. The obstacles were people and in waking that’s also true, but in the dream I just kept shouting and slowly they moved out of the way.

When my dreams are that vivid, they want to tell me something important and they were telling me that to be successful, I have to make that trip to the bar and then push my way through to the point where I can rest and relax and smile at the outcome. It might not be entirely predictive of how successful the novel will be, but it was predictive of the obstacles now faced and that things might be a longer time coming than if I didn’t have those people in my way. It all makes sense.

Listen to your dreams and don’t lose sight of them.  I can think of no better message for anyone with a creative soul.  Hope my subconscious dreams can help you hold on to your waking ones.

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About julietmchugh

Fiction writer from the North East of England with a taste for the gruesome and macabre, unusually obsessed with container gardening!

22 responses to “Listen to your dreams”

  1. rich says :

    that can’t be said too often. also, i can’t write when i drink. it clouds my thoughts, and all i can think about is losing my pants.

    • julietmchugh says :

      I don’t get drunk on whisky however much I knock back. Even less so now I don’t drink at all – it was a dream after all 😉

      • rich says :

        whoa, what? you can down a bottle of whiskey and not get hammered? really? i have a friend who gets really happy on beer and really angry on vodka. for me, vodka keeps me, um, “soft.” beer and wine the opposite.

      • julietmchugh says :

        It’s part of my super power, the other part being never getting a hangover no matter what I drink 😉 Happy whatever I drink (drank), only immune to whisky. Might have another one day, fond memories for now 🙂

      • rich says :

        do me a favor. stop being interesting. it’ll just cause me to ask more questions and want to get to know you more. try to be boring instead. just try.

      • julietmchugh says :

        Am not a very good actress but will try not to be a bit odd and will try to think about typically girly things. I hate shopping – this is a great personal sacrifice for the sake of your sanity 😉

      • rich says :

        thanks. also, if i’m not pushing it too much, change that gravatar picture. it’s also too distracting.

      • julietmchugh says :

        Hahaha! It was that or a Fraggle and I don’t think Fraggles are renowned for their writing ;D

      • rich says :

        okay okay. stick with the one you got. i’ll just have to deal with it.

      • julietmchugh says :

        There are very few others to choose from that don’t have a startled bunny expression going on 🙂 Much prefer being behind the camera!

      • rich says :

        me too. was just saying that earlier today. behind the camera. i think it’s because when i was a kid, i didn’t really get many pictures taken, and i was never comfortable getting attention.

      • julietmchugh says :

        Birthdays, Christmas, stand there and smile until your face froze while someone got round to pressing the shutter button. Attention to what I think and say is one thing; attention to how I look feels weird. Late bloomer 🙂

      • rich says :

        same here. nice to meet you.

      • julietmchugh says :

        You too 🙂 Think I’ll keep an eye on you (without being too attentive since you don’t like it 😉 )

      • rich says :

        oh, i didn’t say that. a person being attentive is much different from a camera. they only have one eye. you have two. they’re cold to the touch, and too smooth – in a science fiction-like way. i like some rough edges.

      • julietmchugh says :

        Well I don’t have a telephoto lens that can shoot across oceans, so you’re safe there 😉

      • rich says :

        yeah, but those spy satellites. they can see eeeeeverything.

      • julietmchugh says :

        Oh I hope not everything – the shame!! 😉

      • rich says :

        tease ’em a little. fog up their lenses. it’s fun.

      • julietmchugh says :

        I may never open the curtains again 🙂

      • rich says :

        that’s okay. i already installed cameras. no worries. can you move just a little to the left?

      • julietmchugh says :

        More into leftfield? That could result in random particle physics related ramblings 😉

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